
March 2 - 30, 2014, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Bowmanville, Ontario

Director / Curator : James Campbell

Log and Chair, 2013, Wood, stain, paint, 40” x 95.5” x 20”

Abyss , 2014, Charred wood, paint, 41.25” x11” x 25”

White Cube, 2014, Charred wood, paint, 42.25” x 13” x 10”

Essence, 2014, Charred wood, paint, particle board, stain, 36” x 13.5” x 9.75”

Shore, 2014, Charred wood, painted wood, copper, granite, 27.5” x 14.75” x 14.75”

Table, 2014, Charred wood, paint, stain, 108.5” x 35” x 16”

Abide, 2014, Charred wood, paint, 34.75” x 8.5” x 5.75”

Resonate, 2014, Charred wood, paint, brass, 31.75” x 8” x 4.75”

Refuge, 2014, Charred wood, paint, 43.5” x 9.5” x 8.75”

Sentinels, 2014, Wood, paint, 96.5” x 41” x 44”

Gallery view, Essence, Refuge, and Abyss


Neighbors, 2014 Foreground (white chips) 83.75”, Background (pine needles) 85”